Advisory Panel

Jeffrey Stoller
Former Assistant Commissioner
Office of Research & Information, NJ Dept. of Labor & Workforce Development
As former Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Research and Information (ORI), Jeff Stoller was New Jersey’s premiere source of economic, demographic and labor market data and analysis. He and the senior staff of the state Department of Labor & Workforce Development worked together to implement a new five-year plan that offers a new generation of re-employment and training services to New Jersey job seekers and employers. AC Stoller’s 35-year career has encompassed a wide range of public policy issues at the state and national levels. He has worked in partnership with many of the nation's top employers, educators, business associations, labor organizations, government leaders, media outlets, and non-profit groups. Prior to joining the Department in 2012, Jeff served as Director of Communications and Outreach at the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University. Between 1983 and 2004, he held a series of leadership roles at the New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) in Trenton, including Vice President for Human Resource Issues; Director of Regulatory Affairs; and Executive Director of the statewide network of Employer Legislative Committees.Jeff is a graduate of Hamilton College, with an MBA and Masters in Regional Planning degree from Cornell University.

Terri Bergman
Director of Research and Programs
National Association of Workforce Boards
Terri Lee Bergman has worked in the workforce development field for over 25 years, including stints in the U.S. Department of Labor, the National Alliance of Business, and the San Diego Workforce Partnership, before her current tenure at the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB). During that time she has focused on research and program and policy analysis designed to improve performance in the field. Ms. Bergman served on the board of the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) from 2000 to 2007, and was awarded the Sar Levitan Advancing the Research Agenda Award by NAWDP in 2011.

Nina Babich
Policy Director for Field Operations
Indiana Department of Workforce Development
Nina Babich has worked with states, regions, and communities across the nation to develop strategic responses to their human capital issues. She specializes in research based planning and benchmarking processes; provides practical technical assistance for strategy implementation; and conducts assessments and evaluations of programs and organizations.Nina has extensive knowledge of the workforce development policy and operational environment, having directed policy for the Indiana Department of Workforce Development from 1985 to 2000. In that capacity, she led development of the state’s One-Stop system that originated in 1991, staffed the Indiana Job Training Coordinating Council, and coordinated Indiana’s early implementation of the Workforce Investment Act. She developed and delivered teleconference training on her Guide for Improving One-Stops through Benchmarked Critical Success Factors; designed and facilitated a national WIB Benchmarking project and authored the Benchmarking for Success report; and has extensive knowledge of the postsecondary environment. Nina also has worked with the Washington, D.C. Department of Human Services, the Mid-American Regional Council of Kansas City and the Arizona Department of Economic Security on human development strategies. Nina briefly returned to the Indiana Department of Workforce Development to coordinate the state’s transition from WIA to WIOA, from where she retired May 1 of this year.

Natalia M. Rivera Morales
Leadership Programs Coordinator
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
In her capacity as Leadership Programs Coordinator, Natalia organizes advocacy training programs for Autistic college students and self-advocates with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). Natalia is originally from Bayamón, Puerto Rico and has resided in the U.S. mainland since the age of seven. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in 2011 from Loyola University Maryland, where she completed majors in Global Studies and Spanish and a minor in History. She graduated from Georgetown University in 2013 with a master’s degree in Latin American Studies. Her interests comprise feminist philosophy, Latin American cultural history and literature, critical disability theory, and Cuban gastronomy.

Kelly Buckland
Executive Director
National Council on Independent Living
Kelly Buckland is a person with a disability who has been actively involved in disability issues since 1979. Kelly started his career as an employee for Idaho’s Protection and Advocacy system. He served for over twenty years as the Executive Director of the Boise CIL, Living Independence Network Corp. and the Idaho State Independent Living Council. In 1978, Kelly graduated from Boise State University with a B.A. in Social Work and in 1988 Summa Cum Laude from Drake University with a Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling. Kelly has testified before Congress several times on issues such as universal health care, Fair Housing and appropriations for centers for independent living. He has been closely involved with the direct-service and systemic change aspects of the Independent Living movement.Kelly has a long history with the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL). He has served on numerous NCIL Legislative and Advocacy Subcommittees and other standing NCIL committees, the NCIL Governing Board since 1998, as NCIL Vice-President from 2001-2005, and as NCIL President from 2005 to 2009. Kelly is currently employed as the Executive Director of NCIL.

Kyle Goodridge
Sr. Vice President, EEO/AA Manager
Kyle Goodridge is a Senior Vice President in Citigroup’s Global Workforce Diversity Office with responsibility for managing equal employment opportunity and affirmative action for the firm’s U.S.-based businesses. In this capacity, Kyle’s duties include ensuring that Citi is in compliance with federal laws regarding fair employment practices for women, minorities, veterans, and people with disabilities.Kyle currently serves as a board director for the Center for the Independence of the Disabled – New York, New York City’s premier independent living center. Kyle is a past member of the City of New York’s Disability Mentoring Day Committee and is a past Chair of the State Rehabilitation Council for the New York State Department of Education’s Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR). Kyle is an associate member of the American Psychological Association and the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists and is a member of the Society of Human Resources Management. He received his Masters Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from New York University and his undergraduate degree in Education from Boston University. Kyle is also certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR).

Allison Wohl
Executive Director
National APSE
Allison Wohl is the Executive Director of the Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE), a national membership organization that promotes the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and community. After fifteen years in corporate America, having worked in the federal practices of several “Big Four” consulting firms, as well as at GE, Allison knew it was time to leave her busy life as a consultant for the even busier, but more rewarding world of disability advocacy, after the birth of her youngest son Julian in 2009, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Allison received her MBA from the College of William and Mary and her undergraduate degree from SUNY Binghamton. In addition to Julian she is the mom of two other boys.

Nora Vele
Executive Director of Equal Opportunity Compliance
Nora Vele is the Executive Director of Equal Opportunity Compliance for Merck & Co. Inc. She provides strategic leadership and direction for the development, integration and corporate wide implementation of the company’s compliance strategy. Nora has over 20 years of demonstrated expertise in developing cutting-edge compliance programs. She has a wealth of regulatory compliance experience, having handled more than 75 different federal audits for compliance with U.S. Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity requirements for federal contractors since 1986 – each time, receiving a letter of compliance. Nora oversees the design and execution of complex statistical analyses, talent management development initiatives, reductions in force, compliance audits, and merger integration change efforts. To support Merck's commitment to inclusion, Nora led the design of the organization's Workplace EnABLEment program, an enterprise-wide strategy for full disability inclusion. She also serves as a diversity consultant to each of the nine Merck Employee Resource Groups, which helps to drive the organization's business imperatives.

David Fusco
Vice President of Human Resources
David Fusco is currently Executive Vice President - Global Human Resources at Haemonetics. He is also a member of the Corporate Executive Council, The Operating Committee & The Corporate Leadership Team at Haemonetics. Previously, David was Vice President of Human Resources at PAREXEL International a company providing Clinical Research support to the Global Pharmaceutical and drug development industries. He has been an HR Executive for nearly 19 years 11 of which has been spent in life sciences at companies such as Novartis and ThermoFisher Scientific. Additionally he has worked in heavy manufacturing at General Electric, Financial Services at Bank of America and in Software. His personal interest in disability is derived from a personal source. He has a brother still living at home with a severe disability and remains wheelchair bound. He has been involved in programs to better address specific employee needs in this area at both Bank of America and at ThermoFisher and is delighted to be part of this Panel. He holds an MBA in International Management from Union Graduate College and a BA in Economics from Union College, Schenectady NY.

Stephanie Lau
Training Associate
Stephanie holds a BS in neuroscience and anthropology from The College of William and Mary, taught elementary school in the Baltimore City Public School Systems and earned a Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) from Johns Hopkins University. Prior to working at RRTC Stephanie worked as the Training Program Director at Max’s Positive Vibe Café, where she taught food service skills to adults with disabilities. In 2010, Stephanie joined RRTC and earned her ACRE-certification for community rehabilitation. Stephanie is currently the Hanover Project Search Site Coordinator and pursuing her Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration at Virginia Commonwealth University

Anil Lewis
Executive Director
National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute
Anil Lewis, born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1964, became blind from retinitis pigmentosa, a retinal degenerative eye disease, in 1989, before receiving his bachelors of business administration in computer information systems at Georgia State University (GSU), and receiving his master’s degree in public administration with emphasis in policy analysis and program evaluation from GSU in 2003. Throughout his career, Lewis has been a member of several organizations that focus on the needs of individuals with disabilities. Most recently, Lewis was appointed by President Obama as a member of the Committee for Purchase from People who are Blind or Severely Disabled, known as The U. S. AbilityOne Commission, which administers the AbilityOne Program, a unique employment program sponsored by the Federal Government serving the needs of people who are blind or have other significant disabilities. Lewis currently serves as the Executive Director of the National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute where he leads a Dynamic team of individuals responsible for the development and implementation of the innovative projects and programs that encourage the full participation of every blind citizen.

Trina Rosolanko
Branch Manager
Since joining Manpower in 2011 as Branch Manager, Trina Rosolanko has served her clients with a positive attitude, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and a solid sense of urgency. Several of Trina’s responsibilities include developing and managing client relations, overseeing the hiring and coaching process for branch personnel, and serving as the primary liaison between client and branch field staff. Her strengths include a fierce passion for establishing and growing relationships with executive level customers and key decision makers as well as working effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community.

Howard Green
Deputy Director for Corporate Programs
National Organization on Disability
Howard Green joined NOD in October 2010 as Deputy Director of Corporate Programs. Mr. Green has performed training sessions across the country on how to build relationships between businesses and rehabilitation programs. He has been involved with a number of projects and programs where he has assisted both the supply side and the demand side on disability employment. NOD’s Bridges Advisory Services helps employers to effectively recruit, hire, train, and retain job seekers with disabilities. Before coming to NOD, Mr. Green served as a faculty member at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) for over 20 years, where he was also Director of Employment Services. In that position, Mr. Green provided technical assistance and consultation to businesses, community rehabilitation agencies and vocational rehabilitation staff. Mr. Green holds a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from VCU and has published and co-authored several articles and book chapters on the relationship between businesses and the employment of people with disabilities.

Paul Wehman
Dr. Paul Wehman is a Virginia Commonwealth University Professor of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Chairman of Rehabilitation Research with a joint appointment in the Departments of Special Education and Disability Policy and Rehabilitation Counseling.He pioneered the development of supported employment at VCU in the early 1980s and has been heavily involved in the use of supported employment with people who have severe disabilities, such as those with severe intellectual disabilities, brain injury, spinal cord injury or autism.Dr. Wehman serves as Director of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment for People with Physical Disabilities and the Director of the VCU Autism Center for Excellence (ACE). He has researched, written, instructed and presented extensively on issues related to transition from school to adulthood and special education as it relates for young adulthood. He has published more than 200 articles, 114 book chapters, and authored or edited 43 books.

Rita Landgraf
Department of Health and Social Services , Delaware
Rita Landgraf was sworn in as Secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services on Jan. 22, 2009. As Secretary, she leads the principal agency charged with keeping Delawareans healthy, ensuring they get the health care they need, and providing children, families, and seniors with the essential services they depend on. She oversees one of the largest departments in Delaware's government, with an annual budget of more than $1 billion.Under her leadership, DHSS has provided a wide range of services, from health care to child care to benefits assistance, all while helping to coordinate the state's response to healthcare reform efforts and to the needs of Delaware's fast-growing older population. For more than 30 years, Secretary Landgraf has been a leader on health care, disabilities, and senior issues, including formerly as executive director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Delaware and of The Arc of Delaware, which advocates for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She is also a former president of AARP Delaware. For her efforts, the University of Delaware inducted her into the University Of Delaware Alumni Wall Of Fame in June 2011.